Celebrating Essential Workers

In the midst of the Covid pandemic, some people made life easier and better for all of us. When the virus was at its worst, they were at their best. Despite being unnoticed and often taken for granted, they kept showing up and working. It’s time to say a collective Thank You.

Who am i talking about? Essential workers.

During the boring, numbing days of COVID quarantine, they were the ones who stocked the grocery shelves and filled our pick-up orders. They picked up our trash. They watched our little ones. They served us in fast-food lines. They deposited our checks. They waited on us at garden shops and office stores. They cut and styled our hair. They changed the oil in our cars. They delivered our mail. They delivered our dinner. Your life worked because they were working.

I spoke to bank teller a few months ago and thanked her for being an essential worker over the previous year. She said, “Well, I had to come to work … but I wanted to help people!”

I hope you will pause to thank essential workers for all the ways they have served and continue to serve you.

If you want to find our how serving others is a posture God calls all of us to take toward others, and how we thanked essential workers, check out my message from last week.

And if you want a glimpse into what it’s like to be an essential worker at a local fast food franchise, don’t miss the serious/silly video starting at 29:12.

Let’s say Thank You … Let’s serve …



Am I the only one, or do you also hate talking about death? We can talk about college football, fabulous Tex-Mex, or fun places to take kids. But death? Ugh.

Knowing how we tend to avoid the topic, but still need to address it at times, I posted a survey on Facebook last week. I asked: What do you think will happen to you when you die? Here are the options you could choose from:
• I will cease to exist (We call this Naturalism – only nature exists, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.)
• I will become a ghost or an angel (This is known as Spiritualism – spirit is more real than matter.)
• I will come back in another life form (This is Hinduism’s reincarnation.)
• I will be with God, who one day will give me a new body for eternity (Christians call this resurrection.)
• I’m not sure – I try not to think about death (In any language, this is Denial.)

How would you answer that question?

No matter what option you choose, you are facing two hard realities: first, you will die; second, you will then find out if you only live once … or if you will live forever.

You only live once – YOLO for short – Is the worldview of postmodern Western culture. But is that what Jesus believed? Is that what the Apostle Paul taught? Is that what Christians stand for?

If you are a Christian, then you profess to believe the essential teachings of the New Testament, which are summarized in the Apostles’ Creed. That creed includes these words: “I believe in the resurrection of the body and in life everlasting.”

So what do you think? Do you only live once? Or will you live forever?

Last Sunday I spoke on YOLO. The message came from 1 Corinthians 15. Many people told me how much it meant to them. If you missed it, check it out here.


Are You Gifted and Talented?

We live in a World of Wow! There are certain people whose talents and gifts are so rare that when we see what they can do, we stand in awe. Only superlatives can describe them: Awesome! Fabulous! Wow!

It’s how you feel when you watch Olympic athletes, American Idol winners, or National Spelling Bee champions. Wow! How can they do such amazing things?!

But when you look at yourself, the comparisons aren’t favorable. I’m not like that … I’ll never be like that … What does that say about me?

We can’t get away from the World of Wow. But as Christ-followers, we must learn to think differently. After all, what if we’re reading the wrong playbook? What if we’re taking cues from the wrong guide? What if the World of Wow is upside down from the Kingdom of God, and God’s Kingdom is right-side up?

What if every believer in Jesus is gifted and talented, including you?

What if God has designed you to use your gifts and talents to serve him and his children?

What if God is calling you to embrace and use the gifts he’s given you, for his glory … for the benefit of others … and even for your own joy and fulfillment?

Last Sunday I took a deep dive into 1 Corinthians 12 and unveiled six life-changing truths about how God has made you. Interested in more? Here’s a link to my message. Let me know if it helped you.


What is a women’s place in the church, Really?

After graduating from seminary, Robin and I moved to Troy, TX where I became the pastor of the First Baptist Church. We moved into the small parsonage next door to the church which was located on the access road to I35. Not exactly a quaint place to raise a young family. While moving in I discovered that the utility nook was four inches too small to accommodate both the washing machine and the dryer. As a result, we had to put the dryer out in the garage. This was particularly annoying to me because I was “the laundry guy.” Whenever I took a load out of the washer, there would always be a recalcitrant sock or pair of underwear that would drop on the way to dryer. Then, I’d have to stoop down to pick them up and inevitably drop another pair or two in the process. Frustrating!

One Wednesday evening after the church supper and Bible study, several of us were sitting around the tables and enjoying a little Baptist fellowship. Somehow the parsonage came up in the conversation and I took the opportunity to ask the question I had been dying to ask, “Why did ya’ll build the utility nook in the parsonage too small to house both the washer and dryer?” And without missing a beat, three women spoke up in chorus, “Because there were no women on the building committee.” This response caused me to answer the question listed above in the pull quote, “What else is the church missing because the intellect, and the experience, and the gifts of women are not allowed to be lived out or appreciated in the highest levels of leadership.”

If you’ve ever wondered the same thing, or what the Bible really says about the place of women in the church, check out this message where I take an in depth look at God’s original intent for the role of women in creation and the new creation in Christ.

Til next time!

Jim “The Laundry Guy”

Finding Common Ground

You are different from everyone else in the world. Yet you have some things in common with all of them. That sameness is called common ground. And it’s the secret sauce for relating to those who don’t know Christ.

The apostle Paul articulated this approach: “I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22, NLT)

Here we see Paul’s passion: to see as many people saved as possible. 

And here we see his plan: to find common ground with them.

How’s your passion? Do you long to see people apart from Christ come to faith? Are you praying for those in your circle of influence who are “living without hope and without God?” (Ephesians 2:12) Are you asking God to set up divine appointments for you to listen to their story, or share your story? 

How’s your plan? Are you entering the lives of others, seeing the world as they see it, trying to understand what makes them tick? Are you looking for similarities and areas of interest that can become a solid foundation? Are you actively seeking common ground?

Common ground. It’s how we earn the right to share our story with unbelievers.

Interested in more? Here’s a link to my message on 1 Corinthians 8-10, “It’s my right …”

the math of sex: 1 + 1 = 1

When you have sex with someone, you become one with them. Literally. It’s not just a union of bodies … it’s a union of souls. It’s not just a physical act, but an emotional, psychological, and spiritual act. Two people become one at the deepest level possible. If you want to find out why sex is such a divine gift, and what boundaries the Giver wants us to remember and practice, watch this talk entitled “Everybody’s Doing It. A lot of parents are watching it with their older kids …